Capturing and Protecting Memories

Hands up if you have hundreds, if not thousands, of photographs digitally stored safely that you never look at? Do you have treasured keepsakes in a box at the top of the wardrobe or the attic? Capturing and protecting memories is something that we should all do. Our future selves will thank us for it. Here are a few ways to capture those special times and how you can make the best of your mementoes.

Get Your Photographs Printed

If you have 45000 digital images between your phone, laptop and the cloud, printing them off might be a tall order. Choose favourites and have them printed so that you can display them in your home or collect them in albums that you can look through now and again and enjoy.

There are many printing services here in Essex who will be able to help you. Moving forward consider social media printed books for favourite snapped memories or make printing off photos every month part of a new routine.

Buy Gift Vouchers For Photography

Support local photographers and encourage others to capture precious memories by gifting them vouchers for photos. This kind of gift is perfect for everything from a special birthday to a new baby or any achievement or special moment.

Put Together a Time Capsule

One way to protect special memories is to bury them, literally. Kids love putting together a time capsule but there is no reason why you can’t put one together too. Unearth it from it’s hiding place in ten or twenty years and marvel over the trinkets and treasures you collected.

Frame Children’s Artwork

Artwork displayed on the fridge door has a limited life expectancy. It won’t be long before it ends up in a drawer or the recycling bin (quietly). Why not choose some key pieces to frame and put up? This a fabulous treat for the artist and can be a cute way to add some colour to your home.

This doesn’t help you with the cardboard junk models they bring home, sorry!

Display Medals and Important Keepsakes

Some tokens and items are more precious than others. If you have medals to display and important family documents and mementoes, consider having these professionally framed. This will ensure that they are kept safe and protected.

Capturing and Protecting Memories

Time goes by in the blink of an eye and if we don’t capture these special times in a journal, a scrapbook, via photographs or some other way they will be lost to us and future generations. Half of the fun is finding inventive ways to capture and protect your memories.

Head to to see our wonderful selection of Photographers if you need any help.

Author: Nikkie Cawood

(No rights to image – rights to Dariusz Sankowski via Unsplash)


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